
Infoodle Consultant Services

We help you get the most from your Infoodle CRM, whether you are starting from scratch or have been using it for years.

How can we help you with Infoodle?

Sometimes you just need something one-off or you’ve got a problem that’s a bit outside the norm. We get you. Here are some of the Infoodle support services we provide.

Project Consultation

Need guidance for a specific Infoodle project or feature you are having trouble with? We can consult with you on it.

Form Page Design

We can design form pages to your specifications and set them up as templates you can reuse in the future. We can also help you to integrate your Infoodle donation forms with your website.

Email Template Design

We've designed stacks of Infoodle email templates and can design new ones for your organisation to compliment your other communications and marketing.

Infoodle Audits

We can audit your Infoodle account, document it, identify quick wins and areas where you can improve.

Infoodle Strategy

We can work with your team to develop your Infoodle strategy and ensure that you are leveraging the platform to its potential and maximising your donations.

Infoodle Training

We run remote training sessions to help your team get the most from Infoodle. We can also arrange on-site training.

New to Infoodle?

Infoodle Implementations

Our Infoodle implementation packages will help get you up and running in no time, with training and support included, plus you’ll walk away with an implementation document that helps your team to visualise how everything works. 

Need a little help with Infoodle?

Infoodle Support

We offer flexible training and support packages to back up your team and help your business get the most from the Infoodle CRM. We’re here when you need us, kind of like having your own team of support superheroes.

Need a lot of help with Infoodle?

Infoodle Managed Services

If your internal resource is overwhelmed, or perhaps non-existent, we can take some of the pressure off. Our Infoodle experts can design, build, maintain and optimise your communications, receipt templates, forms, donation processes and more for you.

Some of our clients

Got questions?

We've got answers!

Yes, we can provide group or individual training sessions.

Infoodle does not currently offer a training and certification program for their non-profit CRM solutions. However, we have worked with multiple Infoodle instances and consider our team to be experts in the platform – it’s our recommended CRM for NGO’s and non-profits.

We can help you to get started with marketing automation using Infoodle and related marketing techniques, or help you get more from your existing Infoodle instance. Most organisations will see a gain from using Infoodle to its fullest potential, but there are no guarantees.

We don’t directly copy someone elses marketing or communications material, but if we believe something similar will provide your organisation with a benefit, then yes, we can build you a template with a similar purpose, designed for you and your target donors.

Get professional Infoodle implementation services that include training and ongoing support. If the system is not setup for your needs, you don’t know how to use it, and you don’t have someone there to help when you get stuck, Infoodle (like any CRM) can be a big waste of time and money. Get these things right though and Infoodle can help your organisation to grow.

Yes. We can scope your project and recommend a solution, implement Infoodle, design email templates, receipt templates and donation forms, connect up all your different platforms (including Xero), train and support your team, and if you need even more help, we can manage your Infoodle system as well.

Infoodle works for most not-for-profit organisations in most industries with a heavy focus on faith-based organisations. While Infoodle is our recommended CRM for nost non-profits, if for any reason we don’t think it is the right solution for you, we’ll tell you. We don’t believe in implementing solutions that aren’t the right fit.

We strive to make our clients happy with top notch service and solutions that actually work.

So, join the family and let's be happy together!


No matter how big or small your project is

Let's have a chat