
How Does Your Website Compare? Validation, Usability and Readability

If you were asked how well your website’s content is written, what would you say? Do you know if it is compatible with the major browsers? How many seconds does it take to load on average in different parts of the world? Are there any broken links on your site right now? It might not … Read more

Develop a customer base before you start selling

While your website is under development, there are a number of things you can do to start marketing it and getting potential customers. This is especially important if you are selling a product or service. Even if you are not ready to sell yet, people may be interested in what you are selling, so why … Read more

Where does your website go when you aren’t looking? The importance of cross-browser compatibility

Your website looks great, doesn’t it? What does the rest of the world see though? When your back is turned and your website is out running wild through the data pipes that are the internet, does it still look great? Maybe you browse the web using Internet Explorer, or Firefox, perhaps Safari or Opera, but … Read more